The district of Balangir in Orissa of India flanked in the northwest by the Gandhamardan hills, a name of Ramayana epic fame for harboring rare medicinal herbs is an area rich in indigenous herbal traditions. The forest of the district is dry, deciduous and is xerophilous in nature due to poor rainfall, sandy, dry soil and recurring forest fire. The total district is an undulating plain, rugged and isolated with hill ranges running in various directions, the highest among them being the Gandhamardan with a height of 3296 feet. Other hills deserving mention are Butel(2600 ft.), Chahadil (2630 ft.), Thuta (2056 ft.), Bender (1920 ft.), Mathakhai ( 2591 ft.). The undulating nature of the land with hills and plains provides scope for growth of plants of different altitudes. Hence the forest of the district with a rich bio – diversity contains varieties of important medicinal plants of tropical climate.
Gandhamardan hill range of Balangir is such a tropical moist deciduous system in Orissa, due to diversified topography with twenty-two perennial streams and the hill range is having Most congenial environment for the luxuriant growth of plant resources. Gandhamardan hill range (between 20°42' and 21°00' N latitude and 82°41' and 83°05' E longitude) stretches over 240 km 2 area in Bargarh and Bolangir districts of India. It is known as “Ayurvedic Paradise” and treasure house for potential medicinal plant species not only for Orissa but also for India. As per a recent study conducted by Forestry and Ecology Division, National Remote Sensing Centre, Hydrabad, Andhra Pradesh, India (2009),” The floristic composition of the hill is remarkable in its diversity and luxuriance. Altogether, 912 vascular plant taxa pertaining to 142 families and 556 genera were collected. The dicotyledonous plants belonged to 106 families, 418 genera and 685 species, and the monocotyledonous plants to 21 families, 122 genera and 206 species. Pteridophytes were represented by 21 species belonging to 15 families and 16 genera. Analysis of flora shows a omparatively higher representation of herbaceous species (519) followed by 173 trees, 119 climbers and 101 shrubs. In comparison with the Orissa flora (total area 155,707 sq km) consisting of 2727 species (Saxena and Brahmam, 1996), 33.4% of species were recorded in the present study area. The recorded genera of the Gandhamardan flora were 52.4% of the Orissa flora, whereas the families covered 62.3%. A total number of 776 indigenous wild species, 64 introduced wild species and 72 cultivated species were found in the area. “
The Gandhamardan hill is considered sacred and is ancient as the prevalent legend says that Hanuman was sent to search for the herb Vishlyakarani here during the Ramayan age when Laxman fell unconscious with the strike of a spear in the war with Meghanada, a son of Ravana, the king of Lanka. The spear was piercing the navel of Laxman and could not be extracted. It is said the Hanuman could not identify the specific herb and uprooted the whole mountain and carried it to Lanka.
The author is heading a voluntary organization named Nagarjun Education Society,Balangir doing research on traditional tribal system of ethno- medicines prevailing among the tribal population of the district. In this connection several explorations to different part of the Gandhamardan hill range, in search of medicinal plants, have been conducted. The present paper is mainly based upon the findings of the above activities. Attempt has been made to provide available ethno – medicinal information of the plants wherever possible. The local name of each plant is given in bracket next to its scientific name. Detailed information is provided on valuable plants, important plants are described briefly and less important ones find simple mention. To reduce the size of text, at places telegraphic language is resorted to. Plants are classified in to three categories i.e. 1. Medicinal plants rich in phyto – chemicals, 2. Medicinal plants having good demand in the market, 3. Some other important medicinal plants habit wise i.e tree, shrub, herbs, creepers & climbers. Finally a small part is added on medicinal plant exclusively important to ethno - medicinal practices of the area..
Medicinal plants rich in important Phyto - Chemicals
1.Gloriosa superba L. (Puraphula, Meriakanda, Lahalangali)
2.Costus speciosus (Koenig)sm. (Keu, Gaigendalia, Gaigobara, Kebuka)

This climber is found commonly in the forest in the plain area. Its seed contains L-dopa, which has become an indispensable drug for Parkinson’s disease in modern system of medicine. Parkinson’s disease is mainly caused by decrease of a neuron transmitter called Dopamine in the Brain. We have got a body – brain barrier which prevents things from entering in to the brain except a recognized few. But L-dopa somehow passes in to the brain and after reaching converts itself in to Dopamine thus fulfilling the deficiency of the neuron transmitter and giving temporary relief to the patient. Local community uses it as aphrodisiac and also for cervical spondylitis. The tingling hairs on the fruit is mixed with sugar and administered in case of abdominal worms.
4.Diospyros Montana Roxb. (Puten, Manj, Tamala)
This medium size tree is frequently met everywhere in the forest in the foothill region. Its bark contains diospyrin which is bisnapthoquinonoid having tumor inhibitory activity. Presently Dr. (Mrs.) Banasri Hazra of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Yadavpur University, Calcutta is working upon it. Local healers use its bark powder for septic ulcer and urinary tract infections. Often, the bark and leaves of this plant is pulped and applied to small water bodies for stupefying fish.

This medium size tree is frequently met everywhere in the forest in the foothill region. Its bark contains diospyrin which is bisnapthoquinonoid having tumor inhibitory activity. Presently Dr. (Mrs.) Banasri Hazra of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Yadavpur University, Calcutta is working upon it. Local healers use its bark powder for septic ulcer and urinary tract infections. Often, the bark and leaves of this plant is pulped and applied to small water bodies for stupefying fish.
5.Rauvolfia serpentina(L.)Benth. ex.Kurz (Patalagarud, Sarpagandha, Bhuinkeruan)

This Important herb is found in black cotton soil and in high altitude is now endangered due to over exploitation. its root contains 55 important alkaloids of which reserpine is used in modern system of medicine for treatment of hypertension.Local healers also use this for the same purpose, The root is also used as an antidote to snake poison. It is also a valuable remedy for malaria fever and mental disorders (Schizophrenia, Maniac depression etc.).
A Video on identification of medicinal plants discussed above
Medicinal plants with commercial importance
A big tree abundantly found uphill and in the foothill forest has gained international reputation for its gum resin which has exhibited anti - inflammatory activities in rheumatoid arthritis.Local healers use its bark both internally and externally to heal obstinate sore.The gum resin of the plant is sold in the market as Salai Guggul and lebana. It has got heavy demand in Ayurveda as numerous formulations for rheumatic diseases require it.
2.Chlophytum arundinaceum Baker.(Kanjer, Safed Musali)
This small herb is found almost everywhere in the foothill area with alluvial soil. Its tuber is famous in the market as Safed Musali and has international demand as a food supplement with nutritive and aphrodisiac values. Local people consume its leaves as vegetable and is popular in the local market as Kanger Sag.
3.Celastrus paniculata Willd. (Ping, Jyotismati)
This climber is famous in Ayurveda as Jyotismati and the oil of its seed is considered a powerful memory booster.Local healers mainly use its root bark for menstrual irregularity,Leucorrhoea, Urinary tract infection and skin diseases.
4.Clerodendrum Serratum(L) Moon. (Bhramarmal, Bhargi)
A small shrub sporadically found in the foothill and frequently met in the slope of the hills at high altitude is famous in Ayurveda as Bhargi. It's root bark is famous remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis,Irregular menstruation and Cervical Spondylitis.It is much sought after by people who resort to earthwork. They take the decoction of the root to get rid of chest pain occuring due to prolonged deep breathing during hard work.
5.Gymnema sylvestre(Retz)R.Br.ex.Sch. (Gudmari, Meshashringi)
This leafy climber is encounter very often in the plain forest of foothill area. It is reputed for having hypoglycemic activities and therefore a popular remedy for diabetes mellitus. Local healers use it as an anti - dote to snake poison. The plant is believed to have snake-repelling properties.
This is a small tree found in both hill slope and foothill in large number.The fruit of this plant is sold in market as Bidanga. It is a reputed vermifuge and used in many formulations of Ayurveda for intestinal worms. However, local healers apply it's root to dental caries.
7. Morinda citrifolia L. (Aal, Achhu,Noni)
This medium size tree is now famous in the international market as NONI and its fruit extract is claimed to have anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, anti - infection,anti - cancerous properties and is said to have the capacity to restore damaged cells in the body. Citrifolia species is found in dense forest in Gandhamardan hill but the other species of this plant named Morinda tinctoria Roxb. famous in the market as Chhoti Noni or Small Noni is abundant in the foothill area,even in the surrounding common forest of the districts. The bark of this plant yields one orange color which was in past used by the wavers to dye cloth. Local healers use its fruit as alliterative and its bark to heal septic sore. Its fruit is also given orally in sever case of infections.
Medicinally important tree species

Important Medicinal Shrub Species

Among medicinal shrubs most notable are Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz.(Dhatki, Dhai, Dhatuki) flower anti – dysenteric, root bark used for ascites; Helictres isora L.(Anti, Modimodika, Avartani) fruit looks like a screw used for colic pain and dysentery; Adhatoda vasica Nees.(Basanga, Adusa) mostly found in live fencing, leaf juice expectorant and stops bleeding from different organs; Clerodendrum phlomides L.f(Dankari, Laghu Agnimantha) popular plant for live fencing , fumigation of leaves applied to swollen knee joints in osteo –arthritis, root powder taken internally for rheumatism and diabetes; Olax scandens Roxb. (Bhalabhadria) tender leaves taken as vegetable relieves constipation and enhances blood, root bark given in case of severe uterine bleeding; Hyptis suaveolens (L) Poir. (Bantulsi) common weed in the roadside, leaves used for skin ailments; Indigofera cassioides Rott.ex.DC(Girdi, Mahanila) flowers edible, root used to cure cough with bleeding; Barlaria prionites L. (Kantamalati, Dasakerenta, Sahachara) leaf juice used for treatment of paralysis, root applied to dental caries; Calotropis gigantean R.Br.(Arakah) leaf ash used for cough, latex used for skin ailments (It is inflammatory and blister forming), root bark taken internally for venereal infections; Dhatura fastuosa L. (Dudura, Dhatura) seeds are toxic and hypnotic, but with due purification it is given orally in case of insanity, leaf juice is antispasmodic and is used for earache, dry leaf is smoked to relief asthmatic fits; Cassia sophera L. (Kalakasunda) leaves juice taken internally as a remedy for cough, root is considered a potent antidote to snake poison(The plant is a rare one); Clerodendrum viscosum Vent. (Bhuasen, Ghantakarna) mostly found in foothill area, leaf juice anthelmintic and antimalerial, root bark antispasmodic given in colic pain; Desmodium gangeticum (L) DC. (Salaparni) an ingredient of famous DASAMULA of Ayurveda; Uraria picta Desv. (Chitraparni) ; Uraria lagopodioides Desv. ( Krishnaparni) an ingredient of famous DASAMULA of Ayurveda, decoction of total plant is given in fracture of bone; Flemingia macrophylla L. (Sabalghan) occurs in high altitude of the hill, root bark applied externally to rheumatic swelling; Grewia hirsute Vahl. (Sunaragada) glutinous root is applied to septic sore and swollen scrotum; Jatropha curcas L. (Ramjada, Lankakala, Dravanti, Ratanjot) a popular plant for green fencing, extract of tender twig applied to aching tooth to clear it of infection, five drop juice with a spoon of sugar given internally twice daily in empty stomach to relieve swelling of scrotum (In large dose it causes diarrhea), recently this shrub has gained international fame for yielding bio-diesel; Jatropha gossypifolia L. ( Putkijada) stem is brushed to cure infection of gum; Lawsonia inermis L.(Benjati, Manjuati, Mehendi) very common in hedges, root purgative and hepatic protective; Leea indica (Burm) Merr. (Chhelanthu) tuber is pulped and applied to swollen joints; Abutilon indicum L. Swee. (Kuthelchitra, Pedipedika, Atibala) leaf powder given internally in prolepses of uterus, root decoction given in piles, fumigation of seed is applied to anus of children in case of intestinal worm; Cassia tora L. (Chakunda, Chakramarda) seeds and root used for ringworm and other fungal infections; Cassia occidentalis L. ( Kasunda, Kasamarda) leaf powder given internally in cough.

Medicinally important herbs deserving mention are Aerva lanata Juss.ex.Sch. (Chauldhua, Paunsia) total plant given internally for filarial; Andrographis paniculata (Burm)Wall.ex.Nees.(Bhuinlim, Kalmegh, Kiratatikta) total plant considered anthelmentic, hepato protective, febrifuge and is also given for skin ailments; Tephrosia purpurea L.Pers. (Bankulthia, Saraphunka) leaf juice is given for oedema, root used as hepato protective and for spleen enlargement, overdose causes vomiting, seed is used for cataract; Indigofera tinctoria (L)(Nila, Nilikulthia) seeds are powdered and administered internally to stop vomiting with diarrhoea; Peristrophe bicalyculata Nees. (Dhuben, Kakajangha) total plant is reduced to ash and mixed with oil, the ointment is applied to dry eczema and other skin ailments; Tragia involucrate L. (Baikhujen) total plant used for fever, root used for tuberculosis, fruits used for fungal infection of scalp; Trianthema portulacastrum L. (Gadhapuruni, Sweta Punarnava) total plant used for oedema, root applied to eyes for conjunctivitis and night blindness; Boerhavia diffusa L. (Raktapunarnava, Khaparisag) total plant used as diuretic, root decoction is given in asthma; Plumbago zeylanica L.(Dhala chintamool, Sweta chitraka) mostly found cultivated in the backyard of local healer’s house and in the bund of paddy fields as insect repellent, naturally occurs in hill slope in a high altitude, root used for piles, oedema and abdominal disorder, root applied to skin creates blisters;Vernonia cinerea (L) Less. (Sahadevi) is a popular remedy for viral fever; Centratherum anthelminticum (L) O.Kurz. (Parbat jira, Somaraji) seeds considered a powerful vermifuge, given internally regularly for 15 days;Cressa cretica L.(Dhalakandri,Rodanti,Rudrabanti) total plant given orally in tuberculosis and general debility; Medicinal herbs commonly found under big trees are Elephantapus scaber L. (Mayurchulia, Totamula, Gojivha) root extract used in case of choleric diarrhea of infants; Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Talamuli, Musali) tuber used for post delivery hemorrhages; Curcuma aromatic Salish. (Chainhaldi, Banahaldi) tuber applied externally to various skin infections
Medcinallly Important Climbers & Creepers
Important Medicinal Herb Species

and bite of poisonous insects; Eulophia nuda L. (Chhuriakanda, Bharatbatuli, Manakanda) Bulb of this orchid
is used for spermatorrhoea, acidity and general debility;
is used for spermatorrhoea, acidity and general debility;
Eulophia compestris L. (Patharkela, Salabmisri) bulb of this orchid is very rarely found, considered a potent aphrodisiac; Urginea indica Kunth. (Jangali piaja) bulb is given in micro dose in case of bronchitis, large dose causes severe vomiting,it is poisonous;
Some of the roadside herbs are
Achyranthus aspera L. (Kukurdanti, Apamarga); Martynia annua L.
(Baghanakhi) seeds yield one black oil on distillation, used for skin diseases; Leucas aspera L.(Gubi, Gayasa, Dronapuspi) leaf juice given in malaria; Acalypha indica L. (Kaphagajri, Indramarisha, Haritamanjari) leaf juice given in bronchitis and constipation; Sida cordifolia L. (Bajramuli, Bala) root decoction is given as restorative and nervine tonic; Solanum surttense Burm.f.(Chepabhejri, Kantakari, Byaghri)
leaf juice given for bronchitis,
root is given orally for swelling of scrotum; Baliospermum Montana Muell-Arg.(Danti) root is highly purgative, used in oedema and ascites; Medicinal herbs common to swampy area are Eclipta prostrate (L) (Kalabhamar, Bhrungaraj) leaf juice applied to scalp in case of headache due to sinusitis, taken internally for constipation and tonsillitis, regular use of its juice promotes liver function and reduces obesity; Bacopa monniari (L) Penn. Leaf juice is given in case of epilepsy, prolonged use enhances memory, large dose causes severe palpitation of heart;Centella asiatica L(Thalkudi,Mandukaparni) leaf juice and powder given to improve memory, cures skin ailments; Limnophila rugosa L. (Bhrungaraj, Kalaphul) leaf juice taken internally to stop bleeding from different organs, applied to head as a cooling application; Hygrophila schulli (Ham) Alm & Alm. (Koilekha, Talmakhana, Kokilaksha) leaf juice increases blood and promotes liver function, root cures piles, seeds promotes sperm count; Pavonia odorata (Willd) found in high altitude is applied to bilious conditions; Medicinal herbs occurring in paddy fields after post harvesting period are Sphaeranthus indicus L.(Guder, Bhukadamba, mundi) leaf juice given in goiter, root used for burning urination and enlargement of prostate gland, flower used as alterative; Hedyotis corymbosa (L)Lam. (Gharapodia, Pittapapada) total plant used for bilious fever, jaundice and other bilious conditions; Centipeda orbicularis (Nakchhikini) leaf powder inhaled to relieve blocked sinus, total plant given orally to cure spleenomeghaly, however it causes severe burning of chest soon after consumption which lasts for about 15 minutes; Euphorbia hirta L. (Dudhni) total plant given in amoebic dysentery, root given for toothache, its latex used in diseases of eyes; Psoralea corylifolia L.(Bakuchi) seeds are famous remedy of vitiligo, given orally for other skin ailments; Apium graveolens L.(Ajamoda) seeds given orally in rheumatism; Phyllanthus fraternus Webster.(Badiainal, Bhuamalaki) total plant cures jaundice, considered a hepato tonic; Argimone maxicana L.(Asatia, Odasamari, Swarnakshiri) yellow juice of stem applied to conjunctivitis, total plant extract used for various skin ailments and venereal infections; Evolvulus alsinoides (L) L.(Vishnukranta) total plant used orally to boost memory; Tridax precumbens L. (Bishalyakarani) used to stop bleeding, is anti septic; Ammania baccifera L. (Agnikumari) total plant pulped and applied to ringworm, it creates blisters in skin; Cyperus rotundus (L) Pers. (Gandhakanda,Mutha)given in diarrhoea; Important herbs in the streams are Rotula aquatic Lour. (Jamchi) given in kidney stone; Crinum defixum Ker-Gawl(Kandhei) bulb is analgesic, Cyperus scarisus R.Br.(Masankanda, Kaibartamutha) tuber is cooling, given in heat stroke and sunstroke
.Medcinallly Important Climbers & Creepers

Among the important medicinal climbers and creepers mention may be made of Pergularia daemia (Forsk)Chior.(Gosinga, Uturuli, Ustran) leaf juice used for jaundice, dropped to the opposite ear in case of toothache, root given to promote labor pain and accelerate delivery; Ipomoea nil (L) Roth.(Gurveli, Kaladana) seed powder taken with jiggery relieves constipation; Operculina turphethum (L) Silva. (Tihudi, Tribrut, Nisoth) very occasional in foothill area, root is laxative; Butea superba Roxb. (Budellaha, Latapalasa, Hastikarnapalasa) root bark is considered antioxidant; Butea parvifolia L.(Bardalaha) very frequent in foothill forest, stem bark considered antioxidant, seed yield one edible oil consumed by local people; Abrus precatorius L. (Gunja, Kaincha, Rati, Kakadani) leaves taste sweet, if chewed in considerable quantity reduces hunger, seed is aphrodisiac; Tinospora cordifolia (Willd)Miers. (Guluchi, Amruta) stem soaked in water overnight given in fever, promotes immunity, given orally in bilious conditions, matured stem yields one starch powder given for the same purposes; Hemidesmum indicus R.Br. (Baskhapari, Anantamula, Sariba) considered alterative, given in skin ailments and leucorrhoea; Ichnocarpus frutescens (L) R.Br. (Thapalaha, Krishna sariba) root is considered blood purifying, given in skin diseases, leaves chewed to cure dental caries; Cryptolepis buchanani L. (Gopakanhu, Gopakanya) root is used as a substitute of Hemidesmus indicus; Caesalpinia crista (L)(Gila, Kantakaranja, Kuberakshi) seed kernel fried and given in malaria fever, same application is also given in filarial and swelling of scrotum; Cocculus hirsutus (L) Diel. (Pittamari, Jaljamani, Dahidahia) leaf and root applied to cure bilious headache, taken internally for urinary tract infections; Anamirta cocculus (L)Wt & Am. (Chakrakedar, Kakamari) root is a trusted antidote to snake poison; Holostemma adi-coden L. (Khadu, Arkapuspi jivanti) considered alterative, root promotes lactation; Trichosanthes bracteata (Lam) Voigt. (Mahakal, LalIndrayan) root applied to breast abscess,applied to foot for tuberculosis; Cissampelos pareira L. (Akanabindha, Patha) root given for colic pain, diabetes, cancer, leaf bruised and applied to scorpion sting; Aristolochia indica L. (Panairi, Hansalata, Iswarmul) given in ascites and urticaria, leaves applied to bite of poisonous insects; Pueraria tuberose D.C (Patalkumuda, Bidarikanda) Tuber is cooling, promotes lactation, relives burning sensation of palm and feet, promote libido.
Medicinal plants exclusively used in ethno – medicine

Among the plants exclusively used in ethno-medicine most notable are Smilax zeylanica(L) (Muturi, Ramdatun) root given in gynecological disorders, sinusitis, venereal infections;Cappris zeylanica L.(Lahabihankudi, Ashadhia, Gobindi) root bark given in poly arthritis, fruit in tuberculosis and other rheumatic diseases;
Croton blonogifolium Roxb (Debanasana, Nagadanti) root bark given in sprain; Listea sebifera Pers. (Desandh, Baghaairi) bark used for septic sore;Byttneria herbacea Roxb. (Samarkhai) root applied externally and given internally for various infections; Drosera burmannii Vahl. ( Patkandri) promotes libido; Glossogyne bidens (Retz) Alston.(Kamraj) root is given to enhance sexual power; Cynoglossum glochidiatum Wall.ex.Benth (Tejraj) total plant given to enhance sexual power; Lapidagathis cristata Willd. (Bhalupania) total plant burnt to ash mixed with oil applied to eczema for about a month, plant boiled with water given in fever; Peucedanum nagpurense (Cl.) Prain.(Bansigopal) tuber used for tuberculosis; Diplocyclos palmatus (L)Jeffery.(Sivilingi) seeds given orally to promote conception of infertile female; Ampeloceissus latifolia (Roxb) (Masanlaha) root applied to bone fractures and sprains; Entanda pursaetha D.C.(Hanumanlaha) given for skin ailments; Chloroxylon swietiana DC (Bheru, Bhairaba) stem bark applied to eczema, it is blister forming; Watakaka volubilis L. (Medhamul) root given in cervical spondylosis; Marsdenia tennacisima W & A (Chandur) root bark given to female in post delivery period for speedy recovery; Ventilago madraspatanam Gaertn. (Keunti, Raktapitta, Raktapichhuli) stem and root bark given in vaginal infections, leucorrhoea, septic ear; Symphorema polyandrum Wight. (Badichang) seed given in piles, applied externally to eczema, a potent antidote to snake poison.
A Video for identification of important medicinal plants of Orissa
Dear Rambhakta ji,
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent site. Very informative. You have done a great job in documenting TK of your region. Keep it up.
Please now also think of how to protect this knowledge. I am not sure if you are familiar with the Access and Benefit Sharing debate. But do take a look at the law that some of us prepared, which is now being examined by the NBA/Min of Environment. Here is the link:
Devinder Sharma
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Thank you for sharing all these informations,really it is valuable
ReplyDeleteGreat article covered alot of herbs in single article, very informaive thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteNice posts sir. Invaluable treasure of knowledge, sir. Please pass on to the next generations too sir. I appreciate your efforts sir.
ReplyDeleteWishes and regards.
RK Reddy
Impressed by the valuable info on various plants shared here. My sincere appreciation for the great work by the author.
ReplyDeleteImpressed by the valuable info on various plants shared here. My sincere appreciation for the great work by the author.
ReplyDeleteImpressed by the valuable info on various plants shared here. My sincere appreciation for the great work by the author.
ReplyDeleteImpressed by the valuable info on various plants shared here. My sincere appreciation for the great work by the author.
ReplyDeleteToday we are living in the world where a lot of health problems can affect us. Whenever we get any illness or problem we generally prefer medicines. Well, according to my experience medicines are just the temporary treatment for your illness. There are number of healing herbs which can give you relief from pain due to cuts, wounds and other health issues. Stress is the most common problem nowadays. So, for this you can try herbs for depression which will help you in living a happy life.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn the era of advanced medical science and pills, people generally do not believe on Ayurveda. In a stressful life, taking pills only increase the risk of developing other health issues. There are the number of medicinal herbs which can give you relief without giving any side effects. In today’s world, you can see that a huge number of people are affected by the overweight problem. There are herbs for weight loss also which help in maintaining a healthy weight.
ReplyDeleteInformative Post, which shares about many medicinal herb. These herbs are really useful and helpful in man disease. Keep sharing more informative and useful post like this.
ReplyDeleteInformation is very good. You can also Find all Indian medicinal plants and their uses with pictures and scientific names. Know about their common & botanical name in hindi & english. We will also tell you benefits of these medicinal herbs in Ayurveda for the treatment of diseases.
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Nice Blog...
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Natural Herbal Extract Manufacturer, Fruit Extract Manufacturer, Ayurvedic & Herbal Extracts
sir , you do nice job.
ReplyDeletesir you know about bhamaramari tree.
please reply us
Great Information...
ReplyDeleteThanks for Sharing...
Natural Extract Manufacturer, Herbal Extract Manufacturer, Fruit Extract Manufacturer, Ayurvedic & Herbal Extracts
Wow.. Thank you sir for adding in detailed information of Odisha..
ReplyDeleteOdisha Bhulekh
Amazing piece of information about various types of medicinal plants that are very useful when it comes to health benefits. They have an effective impact on the health. For example, Ayurvedic Clove Tooth Powder can be used for a proper oral care.
ReplyDeleteMy pranam to late Ramabhakta Misra Sir, a noted herbalist of national repute.I had associated with him during 2004-05 when I was working at O/o The Horticulturist,Bolangir. I had been to many herbal explorations in Patharchata forest& nearby local forest area of Bolangir dist under the herbal leadership of Ramabhakta Sir. I leant a lot of medicinal plants from him as I was staying nearby to his office at Brahmanpada,Bolangir. My heartfelt headbowings to him for his outstanding contributions towards total herbal knowledge & applications, with regards
ReplyDeleteThe comment is mine- Jayanta kumar jena, Asst Horticulture Officer, GA dept,,govt of Odisha,Bhubaneswar. My headbowings to late Rsmabhakta Sir, ,,. I was associated with Late Ramabhakta Mishra Sir during 2004-05 during my posting at O/o The Horticultutist,Bolangir. Under Sir's guidance, I had been to many times visited to local forest areas, Patharchata & other nearby locations of Bolangir. I also visited his office cum chistalaya at Brahmanpada for more knowledge, with regards,
ReplyDeletesir can you provide the details of Bhramarmari tree whose bark is used for epilepsy trreatment. i am searching for it since 5 years but couldnot able to identyfy the tree
ReplyDeleteGood informative one. Plz continue this blog so that we can get updated with our resources.waiting for ur next blog
ReplyDeleteMy name is hoover, my 18 year old daughter, Tricia was diagnosed with herpes 3 years ago. Since then, we have moved from one hospital to another. We tried all kinds of pills, but every effort to get rid of the virus was futile. The bubbles continued to reappear after a few months. My daughter was using 200mg acyclovir pills. 2 tablets every 6 hours and 15g of fusitin cream. and H5 POT. Permanganate with water to be applied twice a day, but all still do not show results. So, I was on the internet a few months ago, to look for other ways to save my only son. Only then did I come across a comment about the herbal treatment of Dr Imoloa and decided to give it a try. I contacted him and he prepared some herbs and sent them, along with guidance on how to use them via the DHL courier service. my daughter used it as directed by dr imoloa and in less than 14 days, my daughter recovered her health. You should contact dr imoloa today directly at his email address for any type of health problem; lupus disease, mouth ulcer, mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis ABC, syphilis, diarrhea, HIV / AIDS, Huntington's disease, back acne, chronic kidney failure, addison's disease, chronic pain, Crohn's pain, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, inflammatory Bowel disease, fungal nail disease, Lyme disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major depression, Malignant melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Rheumatoid arthritis Alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Tumor, Malignant, Bruxism, Bulimia, Cervical Disc Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Neoplasms , chronic respiratory disease, mental and behavioral disorder, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Autoimmune inflammatory media arthritis ed. chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, impotence, alcohol spectrum feta, dysthymic disorder, eczema, tuberculosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease. and many more; contact him at also with whatssap- + 2347081986098.
ReplyDeleteI want to make this testimony public and as a sign of gratitude to Dr Bharat. On how he saved my husband from Huntington's disease with his herbal medicine called BUJA, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this disease.
ReplyDeleteMy husband suffered Huntington disease and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was all i have and the symptoms were terrible, my husband experience hallucination, depression, anxiety, abnormality walking, involuntary movement and memory impairment. We tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him instead the situation got worsen each day that passes by. I spent much money yet no improvement, I really do not want my husband to die so i searched for a cure on the internet and i bumped into a testimony of (Ronda Jasil) who got cured from Huntington's disease. and she left the e-mail address of the Herbal doctor who has the cure of Huntington disease. I never imagined Huntington's disease has a cure until i contacted him and he assured me my husband will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my husband used it and in one month we started seeing improvement, now is been 1year and 6 months my husband is okay and full of life again. Huntington's disease has a cure and it is a herbal medicine called BUJA. contact doctor Bharat now on Thanks for reading my testimony
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ReplyDeletebetturkey giriş
betpark giriş
Sir Bahal Saag , one of the famous tree of western odisha. What is its English name?